How to get out of Panic and Moving Forward

Hello, my name is Susana. I am a Life Coach and a SoulRealignment™ Practitioner which means I work with people on who they are on a Soul level. My accent is from Germany which is where I'm from.

Are you in panic?
I used to be in panic a lot a few years ago and I made a list of things that helped me get out of panic. I will tell you here the four things that helped me the most. First I will name them and then I will talk about each one of them.

1) The first one is: Faith, trusting there is something out there that can help us whether you call it God or Allah or the Universe, your Higher Self.
2) The second one is: Relaxing enough so that you can get the messages, so that you can get the help and follow it.
3) The third one is: Following it, doing what presents, following the breadcrumbs.
4) The fourth one is: Doing what presents, even when it's out of your comfort zone as long as it's in line with your purpose.

So I start with:
1) Faith. What do you have faith in? Do you believe that there is something that creates worlds? Whether you call it God, Allah, Goddess, the Universe, your Higher Self... If you are having a hard time with the faith what can help is creating a list. Every time something unexpected and wonderful happens which to me, I call that a miracle - even if it is just a small miracle - write it down, creating your list of miracles. So for example when I had no money and no income, one day I felt like going outside. It was very windy but it had rained and because of the rain there was a puddle and in the puddle there was a twenty-dollar bill which would have been blown away if it hadn't rained, but there it was waiting for me. So I said "Thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm a money magnet." cause it is important to also acknowledge when something good happens and have gratitude for it.

2) Relaxing and being in your power. So let's do a little meditation. However, if you are driving, please turn this off right now. Sit comfortably. Take a deep breath. I will count from one to five. When I get to five, close your eyes. 1...2...3...4...5. Allow your eyes to close and then stop breathing deeply and allow your body to breath for you. Let the relaxation from your eyelids go through your body. Now ask yourself: Who will I become? Notice, how you are feeling now, 'cause that is important, 'cause you want to remember that feeling later.

3) Following the breadcrumbs" or "doing what presents" - the breadcrumbs like in Haensel and Gretel. There are a lot of things present sometimes. Sometimes there is just one or two, which is great. But sometimes there is a lot. That's when you want to remember that feeling of how you felt when you asked yourself "Who will I become?", 'cause you want to do the things that present that are aligned with that feeling. So the kind of things that can present is for example you might have a thought "I feel like calling so-and-so". You have no idea why, it just comes up and you do it and that person tells you something that opens up something in your life like: One time when I didn't have a job I felt like calling a former co-worker just to chat, see how he is doing and it turned out he had started his own business and needing somebody to help him and I ended up getting the job. Or you might sometime when you are sitting at home, your eyes might just happen to look at your bookshelf and one particular book jumps out you, somehow it just seems to be more obvious than the other books. Then what I do is I grab the book, I close my eyes and with my eyes closed I open the book to any page. And then what I'll do is I go with my left hand first over the left page slowly to see if it wants to stop. And if it doesn't stop I do the same with my right hand over the right page and then I'll read the paragraph, where my hand stopped and usually it is just what I needed. So that's something about doing what presents, following the breadcrumbs, listening to the messages.
Sometimes what presents is someone tells you, you need to do this or that and you know it's aligned with your purpose, but you've never done it and it is totally out of your comfort zone, that is number four.

4) When something presents that you have never done or that you are scared of doing or that you think "I can never do that", but you know it is in line with your purpose, then you can find ways to do it even if you can't just jump in and do it all at once. You might do little pieces, little steps going in that direction. Like when I first wanted to do this video, I was mortified. So I first did an audio call of it, and then actually a while later I ended up taking a training, which was one of those things that presented, I ended up taking a training on how to be on video. And then after that, I was still afraid to put out videos and I felt like making a video of myself singing songs and I put it in one Facebook group and I got a bunch of likes and I felt good about it and then I felt comfortable doing the next video. So, taking little steps, whichever steps you can do, doing whatever you can do going in that direction will eventually get you there.

So let me summarize:
1. is Faith, trusting that there is something out there that can help you and that is always available to help you, always. No matter whether you have never listened to it before, whether you have done something that really didn't work, it is always there every minute available to help you. All you have to do is ask for help. And often when I ask for help, if it is something small, I get a response within 10 minutes. For something big it is not that instant, but little things I often get a response within just minutes. So basically it's... like sometimes I ask: "Please help me to relax!" and then I remember a technique that I know on how to relax and I do it and you know within minutes I'm more relaxed.
2. Relaxing, being in your power. To do that focus on the lower end of your spine, that will help you be more grounded; take a deep breath, count to five, relax, close your eyes, ask yourself 'who will I become?'. There is many different ways that you could relax and be in your power. And the person that shows up when you ask yourself 'who will I become', you just have to relax into it. It is not something to strive for, all you need to do is relax.
3. Follow the breadcrumbs, the message, doing what presents.
4. Doing what presents, even when it's out of your comfort zone and especially when it is out of your comfort zone, 'cause that is when you are doing new things that can lead to new things.

Thank you for listening. I do have a list of things you can do to help you to get out of panic, a .pdf, on my website at Have a wonderful day.

By SusanaKaiser created Dec 31, 2022 06:04am | No Comments | Posted in: Relax into your Power


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