About Susana Kaiser

"Ever since I was a teen I wanted to make a difference, do something that matters and affects others and this planet in a positive, creative, healing way, so that life can get even better here, more harmonious, less suffering, more joy."

Hi, I'm Susana.

I assist people in unleashing their potential and living their best life.

I am a certified Awakening Coach, a certified advanced SoulRealignment™ Practitioner and an Adventurer.

Growing Pains

As a child I was extremely shy. In school, Math was my favorite subject but because of my shyness, my grades suffered in almost all of my other subjects. It was because of my grades, that I did not have the opportunity to choose the career path I wanted.

Luckily, I was also always open for new adventures in my life, and for many years I took part in seminars and workshops that taught me how to cause breakthroughs in my own life. One of the results of my participation in those seminars and workshops, and the support of the people in them, was that I got over my shyness.
I know how difficult it can be when you feel all alone, and I saw in the transformational workshops how much more we are capable of when we have support. It was here that I discovered that I really like to help others.

How I got here

I have worked in IT for most of my life, yet I was always interested in Creativity and Healing and for over 20 years I practiced Massage Therapy using Acupressure, Polarity, Reiki and Myofascial Release (energy work and intuitive work).

Coming from a Scientific background (Math, IT...), I was very skeptical of anything psychic or intuitive for the first half of my life until I discovered while giving therapeutic massages, that I could let my hands be guided by my intuition and the massages were then so much more effective.

Eventually I gave up my Massage Practice and went back into an IT job, expecting my world to become completely logical again. Yet I found, that Divine guidance was now showing up in all parts of my life. And I noticed, that every time I listened to it, something positive happened, so I started trusting my Divine guidance and trusting that the intention behind it was good.

I decided to get trained

A few years later I took the Awakening Coach training and got back in touch with doing what presents, a way I had been living most of my life since I became an adult. Over the next few years I learned more about ways to tap into my inner guidance. During this time, I still thought we had just one life, I knew nothing about reincarnation or being anything more than just a human. But then I read a book which talked about past lives, and I started getting interested in what it said. A while later I came across YouTube videos of young children who remembered their last life.

Shortly after that I stumbled across an advertisement for the Soul Realignment™ training, and following my Divine guidance, I signed up for it with no idea, what it was about. During the training I was amazed at everything I was learning. It all made a lot of sense to me.
Even my very first Soul Realignment clients told me that my readings really fit with who they are, and that the readings were very useful to them. Also, as part of my training I was encouraged to do a reading for myself. In it I found and cleared a block I had with saving more than a certain amount of money. I had created this block by taking a Vow of Poverty and never revoking it. Once I cleared that I was then able to break that invisible ceiling I had for savings. I also had a block to moving forward with two things at once, yet couldn't choose between them. Once I cleared the cause of this, I was able to move forward with both.
Because I saw the benefit of this so quickly, I kept studying more levels of it.
It makes me feel good when I can help others get past a difficult time in their life and watch them opening up into new experiences and potentials.

Order your SoulRealignment now!

Susana's Purpose

Looking past what people have accomplished and how they are today, Susana has a tendency to look at people's potential and wants to help them bring it out.

Susana's schooling:

Susana is a certified Awakening Coach and advanced SoulRealignment™ Practitioner and
she has participated in many transformational seminars and workshops by Landmark Education.

She also has had a keen interest in alternative healing therapies and has learned a lot in the 30 years that this was her main hobby.