Unleash your potential, discover the real You!

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”
― Socrates

Specialized Soul-level Readings for Individuals and Families who want to break through to something bigger and better.

We are all a little different. Things that work for one person, may not work for another. You can find out what type of a Soul you and your family members are, so you can support each other in the best way possible.

Are you feeling stuck or going in a circle or having a hard time making a decision?

Let me help you free yourself, so you can follow your Divine guidance and grow into the person you know, you can be.

I can help you can understand yourself on a Soul-level and release blocks, transcend worry and find your own answers in difficult decisions. You will get clearer and be able to move forward.

Find out who you are on a Soul-level and clear blocks and restrictions.

A SoulRealignment™ reading, is a very specialized type of Akashic record reading. The Akashic records are an energetic database that hold all information about you as a Soul, what type of Soul you are and what choices you have made in this and previous life-times and what happened in your life. This information is valuable, when you want to understand why some things don't work for you and how to have things work better.

Understanding who you are at Soul Level

The Reading will tell you, who you are at Soul level, it will give you some of the characteristics of what works for you and what doesn't. If you focus on living true to who you are, you will have a better chance at being successful and fulfilled in life.

To be more specific, I find out which type of Soul you are. For example, one person may be a Soul that needs to be on stage in some kind of way, another may need a lot of space around them and a third may be always positive.

I also find out about your Energy Centers. Energy Centers are similar to Chakras, but different. Chakras are on a physical body level, while Energy Centers are on a Soul-level. We all have some of each energy center, but we usually have either one Primary making up around 50% or a Primary and a Secondary making up around 30% each and the other Energy Centers make up small percentages.
For a example, if a Soul has the fourth Energy Center, the Center of Divine Love, as their Primary or Secondary Energy Center then they are a natural healer, whether they do that for work or not. Also, they won't like being a programmer and coding all day without interacting with other people. They need to interact with people. I happen to know that first hand since I have been a programmer and sometimes I also interacted with our users, clients or co-workers and in other jobs I did not. I could not stand the second type.

What is blocking or restricting you from living your Divinity, shining your light bright?

Blocks and Restrictions show you what is in your way of living your gifts fully. Realizing, what caused them can allow you to stop creating new blocks in the future.

We also clear your current blocks and restrictions allowing you to move forward with more ease.

What does a SoulRealignment™ Reading include?
  • I find out, who you are at soul level and what blocks and restrictions are currently affecting you,
  • then I give you a one hour reading of the information I found out about you and how your past choices are affecting you in your life now
  • and we both clear those blocks and restrictions.
  • I email you your homework and a link to the recording of the reading.

Who is a SoulRealignment™ for?

I offer SoulRealignment™ readings for the whole family. Knowing who your partner and your children (or your parents) are on a Soul-level can make it easier to relate to each other and to support and empower each person in their own optimal way. A child should be at least 3 months old. The readings for younger children are given to the parents only. For older children it is at the discretion of the parents, whether it is appropriate to have the child present for the reading.

Would you like me to shed some light on what's happening behind the scenes in your life?
The price for a Soul Realignment™ is $190.

To become more successful, you don’t have to CHANGE who you are. You have to become MORE of who you are."
-- Sally Hogshead


  • "Working with Susana was a really beautiful experience. I was surprised at how accurate the descriptions of my primary energy centres were! It was fascinating learning about my soul's unique journey and why I am where I am today. So grateful for Susana's work with me and behind the scenes! I've felt really good since the session and I look forward to the shifts and flow to come! Thank you so much Susana!"

    J. Humphrey

  • "My perspective on things has changed. I've become more focused. I can see my path clearer. I take more time to reflect and regroup now. I am also more aware of what's going on around me. Overall I really enjoyed the session with Susana. I'm looking forward to applying what I learned to become the successful person I was designed to be."

    G. Pierre

  • "What you said made total sense. I live by it now. I understand myself better."

    S. Weston

Find out who you are on a Soul-level and clear blocks and restrictions

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